Despite being on-track on the child- andmaternal-health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Lao PDRcontinues to have some of the worst maternal and childhealth (MCH) and nutrition outcome indicators, both globallyas well as in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region. Thisreport presents results from a household, village, andfacility survey on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) andnutrition in mostly rural areas of six central and southernprovinces of Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR).The information in this report localizes MCH andnutrition-related information that are typical for sampledcatchment areas of selected health centers in six centraland southern provinces of the country. In addition, thereport summarizes data on service availability and readinessof health centers in terms of their ability to provide keyMCH & nutrition-related services. The results from thissurvey thus shed light on what it would take to attain thehealth-related MDGs. In order to improve the level andequity of maternal and child health indicators,interventions would need to address numerous demand-sidebarriers, including physical access barriers, financialbarriers, and cultural, linguistic, and educational barriers.