Somalia has been plagued by instabilityfor most of its 45-year history. After more than fourteenfailed attempts at peace to build a new central government,the current (2002-2005) National Reconciliation and PeaceProcess, Somalia is still fractured. Multiple militias makethe capital, Mogadishu and several key regional centers,insecure. However, there is great pressure to succeed atpeace this time. Negotiations of differences continue andself-help is evident. The transition to a new centralgovernment is a fluctuating work in progress. Continuedexistence of an estimated 53,000 militia constrains statebuilding and sets the requirement for (Disarmament,Demobilization and Reintegration) DDR. The usual applicationof the DDR concept does not fit Somalia's uniquesituation in regard to militias. Few will be totallydisarmed and important types of militia probably will not bedisbanded. Many militiamen do not need to be reintegratedinto their home communities, as they are already by the verynature of the fighting, already a part of their homecommunity. New concepts and terms for such a DDR plan areneeded to tackle this issue. Some ideas are suggested inthis status paper, but more work needs to be done. Also, newplanning and concepts are needed for a national DDR program.This is especially true for the capital of Mogadishu, and acontingency plan for the city specifically is recommended.