Strategies for Sustainable Financing of Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa : Appendix 3 - Costs and Financing of Secondary Education in Benin, A Situational Analysis
This thematic study discusses strategiesfor sustainable financing of secondary education inSub-Saharan Africa. The report provides insight into optionsfor financing the expansion of secondary education andtraining in Africa. This comes with a hefty price tag andpoints to the need to undertake fundamental reforms swiftly.This publication messages are clear: secondary education andtraining in Sub-Saharan Africa faces the challenge ofimproved efficiency and improved quality simultaneously witha fast growing demand. Sustainable financing will alsorequire more effective public-private partnerships, becausegovernments have many priorities and do not have a lot ofroom for significant additional public funding ofpost-primary systems. Educational reforms are needed toexpand enrollment in secondary schooling in affordable ways.These reforms will contribute to poverty reduction byincreasing the levels of knowledge, skills, and capability;diminishing inequalities in access that limit socialmobility and skew income distribution; and contributing tothe achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)that relate to education.