The objective of the Project is toassist the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, through Save theChildren UK on behalf of International Save the ChildrenAlliance acting under the coordination of the EarlyChildhood Education Department of the Ministry of Educationand Training (MOET) in establishing an enabling environmentin the poorest and most vulnerable communities, andproviding young children the opportunities to develop totheir full potential. All communes in three selectedprovinces of project locations (Quang Tri, Yen Bai and DienBien) face food insecurity, limited access to markets,limited provision of basic infrastructures, poor health,inadequate education, high illiteracy, and environmentaldegradation. Despite the challenging contextual environmentin which this grant has taken place, the grant objectiveswere largely highly satisfactorily met and fulfilled thoughfour key intermediate project results: increased access andavailability of early childhood care and developmentservices and supplies; increased quality of early childhoodcare and development services (Health and Education);increased family and community awareness and capacity topromote utilization of early childhood care and developmentservices; and improved implementation of policies in supportof ethnic minority children.