The objective of this study, requestedby the Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development,is to assist the government of Egypt in: formulating acoherent national affordable housing strategy which puts inplace an effective institutional and regulatory frameworkthat creates the necessary conditions for an efficientlyfunctioning housing market, devises the incentive structureneeded to promote increased private sector participation inaffordable housing supply and the subsidy package to enablelimited-income households to access affordable housing, andaddresses distortions in factor markets; and designing thefoundations and key elements of the national affordablehousing program for Egypt, which aims to enable the deliveryof 500,000 affordable housing units in the coming six years.This study critically analyzes the existing situation onhousing supply in urban areas in Egypt. This includesexamining existing formal and informal mechanisms for thesupply/ delivery of urban housing in Egypt, institutionsresponsible for supply and regulation, the characteristicsof the formal and informal housing stock (supply trends,prices, construction and factor market costs, etc), and theinstitutional and regulatory framework governing urban/ landuse planning and development in Egypt.