The objective of this report is torespond to the request of the Ministry of Housing andUrban-Rural Development (MOHURD), to assess the HousingProvident Fund (HPF) system, and provide recommendations onits positioning, strategy and future role in the overallhousing policy. The report focuses on a strategic review ofthe HPF system and its strategy, mission, and operationalstructure, and then analyses the market in which theindividual HPFs operate. It provides recommendations on therealignment of the HPF system in view of the changed marketconditions. The recommendations encompass the overall policygoal of the HPF system, including regulation andsupervision, modifications to the current products offeredby the HPFs, and improvements in the operational structure(e.g. organizational set-up, technical capabilities ofmanagement and staff, liquidity and risk management). Thereport concludes by citing international experiences withhousing provident systems/credit linked savings systems inorder to highlight useful links with the Chinese HPF system.