There is enough land in the Amazonregion to satisfy Brazilian society's demands foreconomic development, environmental management of a resourcebase of global importance and the challenges of agrarianreform. Yet Brazil has been unable to create a fullycoherent and manageable land policy and administrationsystem for the region which permits sustainable developmentgoals to be achieved while reconciling special interests anduses. Instead, resource waste, private appropriation of thepublic domain and social conflict characterize landrelations in the region. As the region becomes increasinglyaccessible for a variety of economic activities, and morecentral to Brazil's economy, the resolution of the landquestions looms large as a foundational element forreconciling and ordering economic development, resourcemanagement and social priorities. Conclusion: the technicalrequirements to support land regularization are of amanageable scale and would require a completegeo-referencing of each parcel of land in the region,matched one-to-one with the property's entry in theland registry (cartorio).