Comparing the performance of Russianfirms in 2012 by sales, employment and labor productivitygrowth with those of other countries the results show thatfirms in Russia exhibited higher real annual sales and laborproductivity growth. The growth figures for Russia 2012 arehigher than those reported in a similar survey for Russiaimplemented in 2009, indicating an accelerated growthperformance of the private sector in the country over thethree years. The Enterprise Survey covers several topics ofthe business environment as well as performance measures foreach firm. The main highlights from the survey are: firms inRussia show higher female participation in the workforce andtop management, but less in ownership; over one third offirms in Russia cite tax rates as the biggest obstacle totheir growth; firms in Russia face higher costs ofregulation compared to those in other countries; firms inRussia face a relatively inefficient public servicedelivery; and not surprisingly, informal payments areindispensable to get some key public services.