Chemicals are used in the production ofmany items that we depend on every day. Evidencedemonstrates that certain organic chemicals are persistent,bioaccumulative and toxic and that these chemicals causelong-term harm to the health of human beings and theplanet s environment. Throughout the world, people and theirenvironments are exposed on a daily basis to PersistentOrganic Pollutants (POPs). POPs and their effects on humanhealth and the environment is a global issue of concern.They accumulate in animals and humans, predominantly infatty tissue. As these chemicals move up the food chain theyconcentrate to levels that are harmful to humans, wildlifeand fish. From the date of its inception, the Canada POPsTrust Fund (CPF) has focused on assisting developingcountries and countries with economies in transition (CEITs)in developing their capacity to reduce or eliminatepersistent organic pollutants. The Trust Fund hasaccomplished this through critical financial support,providing technical expertise and access to technology, andby transferring knowledge and know-how.