The Pan-Caribbean Partnership againstHIV/AIDS (PANCAP) was designated an 'international bestpractice' by the Joint United Nations Program onHIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). A case study on the Pan-CaribbeanPartnership against HIV/AIDS (PANCAP) in December, 2004. TheCaribbean region is second only to Sub-Saharan Africa in HIVprevalence with an estimated adult HIV prevalence rate of2.3 percent in 2003. Approximately 430,000 adults and 23,000children are living with HIV in the region. HIV/ AIDS arethe leading cause of death among adults in the age group15-44 years. The epidemic is not just a health problem, buta developmental and economic problem as it affects the mostproductive human resources and redirects efforts fromproductive activities to HIV/AIDS treatment and care. Anumber of lessons emerge from PANCAP's experience. Thebuilding of the partnership was regionally led and owned. EnBreve is proud to present the HIV/AIDS series which will runfrom January until June of 2005. The series looks to raiseawareness on how HIV/AIDS directly affects the overalldevelopment of the region focusing on the Caribbean.