The Bank Group's lending andnon-lending support for environmental sustainability hasincreased and improved over the past 15 years. But theinstitution needs to raise the priority it accords to thisarea of rising concern, strengthen internal cooperation, andwork more effectively with its government and privatepartners to help countries to get better results inaddressing environmental challenges. The Bank, InternationalFinance Corporation (IFC), and Multilateral InvestmentGuarantee Agency (MIGA) should jointly develop and commit toa new environmental strategy and ensure that environmentalpriorities enter fully into their strategic directions aswell as in regional and country assistance programs,focusing in particular on underperforming regions andsectors and countries with the most significantenvironmental problems. The Bank Group should step up itssupport for public-private partnerships and take greateradvantage of the private sector's potential fortechnology development and transfer, transformation towardclean and low-carbon technologies, and sustainable supplychains, while continuing to help countries strengthenenvironmental governance.