The global economic crisis has triggeredrapid responses by governments worldwide to counteract itsdomestic effects, through fiscal stimulus packages,expansionary monetary policies, and financial bailouts. Adhoc trade policy measures are increasingly being put inplace. All countries share the responsibility of preservinga stable and predictable trade policy environment. To thisend, trade policies must contribute to maintaining an opentrading system consistent with World Trade Organization(WTO) principles. With the sharp decline in globalmerchandise trade volumes, expected to fall by 9 percent in2009, countries have resorted to an array of measures tocounter the detrimental effects of the crisis on theirrespective economies. Because this decline is a consequenceof a deterioration of global demand, trade measures are notan effective response to this problem. On the contrary,policies that contribute to an open and stable tradingsystem are the best policy option for the world community,especially in the current context.