Lao People's Democratic Republic - Investment and Access to Land and Natural Resources : Challenges in Promoting Sustainable Development, A Think Piece (A Basis for Dialogue)
Lao PDR Ministry of Planning and Investment ; World Bank
The aim of this discussion paper is toascertain the government of Lao's (GoL) currentpractices in negotiating, awarding, and managing landconcessions; enhance GoL understanding and commitments todevelop national capacities targeting improved landmanagement, that will generate revenues for GoL, and ensuresustainable development as an urgent priority; and provide abasis for dialogue within the government to enable itsdetermination of priorities to better address landdevelopment issues in Laos, to enable the achievement ofsustainable, responsible economic development. The paperalso examines key issues revolving around the sustainableutilization of land, and the mechanisms, through anexamination of GoL s policy statements. The findings areprovided, and the report advises that GoL pay specialattention to four major points: the availability of adequateand accurate information on which to make decisions onconcessions; adequate capacity within GoL agencies todetermine, award and monitor/oversee the operation ofconcessions; and governance over land and natural resources.These points of guidance are expected to contribute towardsdeveloping sustainable approaches for land administrationand management programs in Lao PDR, and enabling GoL toadopt more rigorous oversight of the land and naturalresources sector, as well to the political economy aspectsof resource management.