In 1999, Poland was one of the firstcountries to carry out the Global Youth Tobacco Survey(GYTS), supported by the US Centers for Disease Control andPrevention, and World Health Organization, a standardizedschool-based survey of teenage smoking behavior, attitudes,and knowledge. This report presents background informationon smoking, and tobacco control policies in Poland, andsimple descriptive statistics of the GYTS survey data. Itfocuses on the relationship between smoking behavior,cigarette prices, and other factors that can be affected bypolicies intended to reduce smoking in order to reduce theassociated burden of disease, and premature death. Multipleregressions explore the factors that affect the decision tosmoke, and the number of cigarettes that current smokersreport smoking each month, and find that availability ofpocket money, age, gender, living in a large town,advertising, counter-advertising, and disease-specificinformation on the effects of smoking all appear to bestatistically significant. The analysis does not include thedata needed to estimate price elasticity, but the surveysuggests clearly that higher cigarette taxes that raise realprices, and certain tobacco control policies can reducecigarette demand among teenage students in Poland.