This report summarizes the main outputsof the technical assistance provided which was concentratedin three areas: (1) development of MAIL's strategicpriorities and investments for the immediate future/shortterm, medium term and longer term; (2) advising Ministry ofAgriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) regarding thedesign of an appropriate structure of the Ministry anddefinition of corresponding responsibilities; (3)analytical policy advice regarding urgent issues that theMinistry of Agriculture (MAIL) has to deal with on a dailybasis, but where it lacks the capacity to analyzealternative policy strategies and solutions. The technicalassistance work regarding urgent policy issues has focusedon three main areas: (1) organization and management ofpublic food grain stocks; (2) purchasing and distribution ofimproved wheat seed; and (3) leasing of government-ownedland to private entities. Finally, and outside the area ofpolicy support, the Bank may consider stepping up itsefforts to help MAIL to further develop/restoreAfghanistan's agricultural production base and in thisway help improving the livelihoods of poor rural people.More specifically the Bank may consider exploring theGovernment's interest in a project aimed at increasingagricultural incomes through improvements in the quality andreliability of input delivery systems and wider adoption ofimproved production technologies, including technologiesthat increase the efficiency of on-farm water management.