Despite its importance to sustainabledevelopment, very little information exists on environmentalhealth linkages. Being multisectoral, it escapes focusedattention during project design. Recently, however, theWorld Bank conducted a study on Sub-Saharan Africainfrastructure operations to assess their environmentalhealth dimensions and lessons learned which could betransferred to projects without unduly complicating projectmanagement. The result is a three-volume report: bridgingenvironmental health gaps. Volume one contains environmentalhealth background material as well as a checklist forintegrating environmental health into projects. Volume twooffers a cross-sectoral analysis of the literature. Drawingfrom some 2,000 books and articles, and about 300 publishedBank documents, it summarizes the major themes of theliterature, demonstrating that, outside the health sector,health has not played a significant role in setting policiesand priorities. Finally, volume three discusses thecompatibility of environmental and health considerations,their policy implications for the Bank, and recommendationsfor future work with other agencies.