During the 1998 Second TokyoInternational Conference on African Development (TICAD II),a set of ambitious poverty reduction and human developmentgoals were established for the Africa region, drawing on andreaffirming commitments made three years earlier at theFirst TICAD conference and at the United Nation (UN) SocialSummit in Copenhagen. The Second TICAD Agenda for Actiondealt with three broad areas: social development; economicdevelopment; and basic foundations for development (goodgovernance, conflict prevention and post-conflictdevelopment). Nine time-bound social and economicdevelopment goals form a key part of the agenda: 1)Universal Primary Education (UPE) in Africa by 2015, with 80percent completion by 2005; 2) halve the 1990 illiteracyrate by 2005, with an emphasis on improving female literacyrates; 3) gender equality in primary and secondaryenrollments by 2005; 4) halve the 1990 maternal mortalityrate by 2005, and by a further half by 2015; 5) reduceinfant and child mortality rates to one-third of their 1990levels by 2015; 6) universal access to reproductive healthservices by 2015; 7) halve the number of malnourished peopleby 2015; 8) safe water and sanitation for 80 percent of thepopulation by 2005; and 9) reduce the number of women livingin poverty by two-thirds by 2015.