Achieving rapid development calls forimproved capacity in the public and private sectors tosupport development policies and projects. The World Bankrecognizes that capacity building is a long-term processrequiring a systemic approach. That is why many Bankprojects in Africa and elsewhere include capacitydevelopment activities. But three drawbacks have limited theeffectiveness of these efforts: many operations do not --but need to -- take an integrated view of solutionsinvolving the individual, organizational, and institutionalcontexts; individual, organizational, and institutionallinks vary greatly across sectors -- not addressing thesedifferences has led to less effective capacity building; andcapacity goals as they relate to this understanding of theindividual, organizational, and institutional aspects havenot been explicit. This Capacity Brief discusses andillustrates the importance of integrating capacity-buildingefforts at all three levels, and addressing differencesamong sectors in their integration, while setting forthexplicit capacity goals and monitoring and evaluatingprogress toward them.