"The World Bank ParticipationSourcebook " (report no. 15363) is a how-to guide tohelp Bank staff support participatory approaches in economicand social development. It is a collection of cases, told inthe first person, by Task Managers in the Bank. In theSourcebook examples, the sponsors and designers demonstratea willingness to work collaboratively with other keystakeholders in carrying out the steps require to prepare aproject for World Bank financing. Specifically, they: (a)identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing policiesand service and support systems; that is the stakeholdersconduct the analysis and diagnosis collaboratively; (b)decide and articulate what is needed; that is, thestakeholders collaboratively set objectives; (c) decide onpragmatic terms, directions, priorities, and institutionalresponsibilities; that is, the stakeholders create astrategy; and (d) develop or oversee development of projectpolicies, specifications, blueprints, budgets, andtechnologies needed to move from the present to the future;that is, the stakeholders collaboratively formulate project tactics.