As the Western Balkan economies looktoward integration into the European Union, each is strivingto increase its competitiveness and improve its economicgrowth. Considerable momentum has been developing onbusiness enabling environment (BEE) reform. The overalldoing business rankings for the countries in this region arein the third and fourth quartiles for 2009, showing plentyof room for improvement. Investors identified improvementsin regulations affecting businesses as a key priority forupgrading the business enabling environment in the region.In this smart lesson, the author shares the experience ofadapting the standard cost model to review regulations andmeasure impact in supporting BEE reforms at the subnationallevel in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia. Theauthors have adapted a relatively sophisticated tool, andapplied it to support BEE reforms to: (1) measure the impactof the reforms in terms of cost savings for businesses; (2)help drive the reform agenda by enabling policymakers tobuild stakeholder support and target reforms recognizingthat 'what gets measured, gets done'; and (3)support the regional monitoring and evaluation framework.