The objective of this policy note onland is to assist the Government of Moldova in improving theeffectiveness of land management in agriculture, with a viewto enhancing the sector's contribution toMoldova's economic growth and poverty reductionobjectives.The note reviews the progress that has beenmade to date on land reform in Moldova, and providesrigorous economic analysis of the impacts of the reforms andthe state of land markets today.It also makesrecommendations on options for improving the functioning ofland markets. This note is organized as follows.Chapterone explore in detail the progress of land reform, includingchanges in land ownership and land use since 1990; thendescribe the results of farm reorganization efforts,including some comparisons with farm structure in marketeconomies. Chapter two examines the impacts of land reformon economic indicators such as productivity for differentfarm types.Chapter three analyze the development of landmarkets to date based on new information gathered for thiswork from the Cadastre Agency, a survey of farms carried outfor this study, and other sources. Finally, chapter fourprovide recommendations based on international best practicefor increasing the efficiency of land use by improving thefunctioning of land markets, including practical advice forimplementing pilot land re-parceling projects.