The World Bank is using the rapidresults approach (RRA) to link leadership to managing forresults through practical capacity support to clients. TheBank helps leaders engage operational teams in government toachieve tangible results in 100 days. In the process the RRAreveals institutional bottlenecks; and diagnosing andremoving these can help make a government more effective.The RRA has been applied in about 23 Bank operations in 21countries since 2002, primarily in Africa, and also in SouthAsia, Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa, and to alesser extent in Eastern and Central Europe, with somenotable successes. The RRA has been used by the Bank and itsclients to: (i) improve capacity for diagnosinginstitutional constraints; (ii) improve capacity forproject/program planning and implementation; (iii) increasethe results focus of a project/program; (iv) strengthen asense of accountability; (v) enhance engagement betweenleadership and other stakeholders across multiple sectors;and (vi) jump-start implementation of difficult or problemprojects. For public sector reform, good leadership meansthe ability to drive change toward achieving the rightresults. The Marseille Forum cases document how RRA has beenused to strengthen the capacity of government leadership tomake change happen in countries in transition, includingthose in postconflict situations, in newly electedgovernments, and in governments undertaking large-scale reforms.