The report points out that over the pastdecade measuring corruption has become an ever-growingempirical field. This empirical analysis questions thetraditional notion of viewing the firm as an'investment climate taker' and thus ignoring theview that powerful conglomerates can also shape the businessclimate and thus become 'investment climatemakers'. The study implies that it is warranted to moveaway from simply blaming government officials for prevailingcorruption, and to question the value of popular initiativessuch as voluntary-and often un-monitorable-codes of conduct.In this report, some popular notions are espoused, whicheither lack clarity or are not backed up by rigorousanalysis or evidence. In this article the authors highlightsome of the main issues in these debates, in the form ofseven myths and their associated realities, and conclude byalso pointing to some brief implications for the privatesector role in fighting corruption.