Addressing mental health is graduallybeing recognized as an important development issue,especially in the case of conflict-affected countries.Although mental health issues have received increasedattention in post-conflict settings, there has been atendency to implicitly assume that the impact of traumacaused by mass violence (i) may be transitory andnon-disabling, and (ii) that interventions in the emergencyphase are sufficient. However, a small but growing body ofresearch on factors affecting mental health and effectivetreatment in postconflict settings casts doubts on bothassumptions. Current research suggests that major depressionand Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are prevalent andchronic among refugee and displaced populations. Researchalso shows that the impact of trauma is long term. Childsurvivors of Nazi holocaust and Japanese concentration campswere found to experience PTSD symptoms as late as 40-50years following their traumatic experience. Some researcherspostulate that these 'invisible wounds' can leavea society vulnerable to a recurrence of violence. Studies onNazi Holocaust and Cambodian Pol Pot survivors show thattheir children and their children's children are alsoaffected by the psychosocial impact of conflict.