The Province of Buenos Airesgovernment's strategy for secondary school educationaims to improve equity, quality, and effectiveness. Tosupport these objectives, the provincial Ministry ofEducation proposed a new program, "JornadaCompleta" or "Full Day Schedule" to beintroduced in 200 pilot schools. The program will besupported by the World Bank through the Buenos Aires SecondSecondary Education project. The pilot program seeks toensure equity by paying special attention to the quality ofeducation for children "at risk."JornadaCompleta will increase the number of classroom hours from800 per year to 1,200 per year and introduce a new pedagogicand curricular model. Extending the school day is alsointended to lessen students' exposure to streetviolence. The program will support measures designed to makeschool management more effective and more autonomous. Schoolselection criteria will target those urban lower secondaryschools in which most of the student enrollment comes fromhouseholds that are considered socially and economicallydisadvantaged and among the poorest. On the basis of thepilot results, the government intends to gradually extendthe Jornada Completa to all secondary schools in highpoverty districts or areas.