The main purpose of this report is toprovide analytical inputs for the development of post-basiceducation reforms. Specifically, the report identifies andprioritizes: (i) the need for change in the structure,content and delivery of Madagascar's post-basiceducation and training system, and (ii) the key reforms infinancing, governance and sub-sector management required tosupport changes to the structure, content and delivery ofthe post-basic system. The Madagascar Action Plan (MAP)outlines an ambitious development strategy, focusing onpromoting investment in high growth sectors and regionaldevelopment. If successful, it will change the demand forskills in fundamental ways. Since 2005, foreign directinvestment has increased rapidly. Madagascar's corechallenges and the window of opportunity provided by theimplementation of basic education reform imply that reformmust improve the quality and relevance of post-basiceducation, while putting cost-effective mechanisms forexpanding access in place. Post-basic reform should notfocus exclusively on a massive expansion of the existingpost-basic system. Instead, successful reform will: (i)focus first on improving educational content (structure,curriculum, teaching, and process) and linkages with theeconomy; (ii) increase coverage, cost-effectively; and (iii)strengthen the enabling framework for reform (governance,finance, and sub-sector management). Reforms aimed atimproving educational content must accomplish threeobjectives: (i) meet the skilled labor requirements of theeconomy's key growth sectors, in the short to mediumterm; (ii) gradually build professional capabilities in thekey growth sectors, also in the short to medium term; and(iii) help youth to develop the knowledge, skills andattitudes - employability skills - that will allow them toparticipate in and adapt to the changing labor market over time.