Providing at least basic education toall children especially those coming from poor ordisadvantaged families is an important factor for increasingchances to improve their lives in the future. Many countriesrecognize the need to better educate their populations anddo so by trying to improve the equity and quality whiletaking care of efficiency. The provision of equaleducational opportunities is a challenge for every society,where specific solutions typically depend on a number offactors. The intention of this document is to raiseawareness and provide support to decision makers in planningthe measures that will secure access to quality educationfor all children above all to those who are under higherrisk of dropping out of the education system through a setof transportation and education policy measures. Thedocument aims to equip municipal authorities, as well astransport and education stakeholders, with a systemizedapproach for assessing the access and accessibility ofeducation services, and tools for the selection of the mostappropriate options for improvements. The document isorganized as follows: chapter one provides a shortintroductory review of the demographic changes in South EastEurope (SEE) countries; chapter two is a valuable source ofinformation on the experiences of countries in the SEEregion and worldwide; chapter three gives decision-makingframework for local authorities; chapter four provides asummary and a set of recommendations for local- andnational-level authorities on the most effective ways offulfilling legal obligations and ensuring a basicchildren's right- access to education; chapter five andsix sets paths for making chosen policy options sustainableand for future developments based on innovative transportand education approaches and proven practices; and chapterseven gives literature and data sources.