Given the magnitude and the complexityof factors associated with tuberculosis (TB) in the miningsector in southern Africa, no sector or actor is solelyequipped to effectively tackle the issue. A cross-borderresponse to TB involves a number of policy, programmatic,and service delivery considerations and the success of theseefforts largely depends on establishing effectivecoordination and implementation mechanisms that bridge themines, communities, and countries including the housing,labor, health and mining sectors; development partners;civil society; labor unions; and mineworkers. Through itsSouth Africa Health Knowledge Hub (the Knowledge Hub),established in 2012, the World Bank Group (WBG) has workedextensively in the southern Africa region to supportsustainable health reform and promote investments in allsectors that form the foundation of healthy societies. TheWBG’s Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Global Practicehas served as a vital source of financial and technicalassistance in South Africa, facilitating high-leveldialogue, multispectral and public-private engagement,knowledge generation, and implementation support to tacklelong-standing health sector challenges, including thepersistent challenge of TB in the mining sector. Thiscompendium assembles a rich and diverse collection ofpapers, reports, and other material generated throughtechnical assistance to tackle TB in the mining sector insouthern Africa, spearheaded by the World Bank’s SouthernAfrica Knowledge Hub. The historical context details thesignificant progress and achievements made since the Hub wasformally established in 2012. Particularly important is thedocumentation of work done on harmonization often achallenge when working across sectors to develop amultisectoral approach. The information provides readerswith the understanding necessary to examine the policy andpractitioner approaches that have been used thus far andcaptures the successes, challenges, collaborations, andlessons learned in carrying out a range of comprehensivestudies and innovative interventions.