According to the United Nationspopulation fund, the world is undergoing the largest wave ofurban growth in history, with more people now living incities than in rural areas. Cities are also responsible fora high proportion of global carbon emissions, which are themain driver of anthropogenic climate change. By taking thelead on low carbon development, cities have the opportunityto engage in an important dialogue about sustainabledevelopment, directly address local issues, and contributeto the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Lowcarbon development strategies allow cities to positionthemselves as major players in climate change mitigation, aswell as set an example for the development of nationalemission reduction policies. The systematic approach offeredby a low carbon city development program (LCCDP) enables acity to overcome the barriers faced in single projectimplementation and pursue an integrated low carbon pathway.It provides a common framework to identify, implement, andmeasure low carbon interventions that will not onlycontribute to lower emissions, but will also address urbandevelopment needs. The LCCDP guidebook helps orient citiesto design and implement an LCCDP that complies with theLCCDP assessment protocol, which is a new protocol based onexisting, internationally recognized standards for systemsdesign, and GHG accounting. The LCCDP assessment protocolconsists of a set of standardized requirements developed toensure that LCCDPs will achieve their targets and objectiveswhen implemented. Thus the guidebook aims to assist thereader through the process of designing and implementing an LCCDP.