The Inspection Panel was created in 1993by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank toreceive complaints submitted by people suffering harmallegedly caused by World Bank projects. This experienceprovides important lessons for both the Bank and for theglobal development community at large. The Panel thereforelaunched this series of publications to draw the mainemerging lessons from its caseload. While Panel cases tendto highlight challenging projects where things went wrongand are not necessarily reflective of the Bank’s entireportfolio, the lessons nonetheless are important. Thisexercise is intended to help build the institutionalknowledge base, enhance accountability, foster betterresults in project outcomes, and, ultimately, contribute tomore effective development with shared prosperity for all.The series is organized around the most recurrent issues inPanel investigations. This report, the second in the series,covers Panel cases that focused on Indigenous Peoples’issues. Currently, there are approximately 370 millionself-identified Indigenous Peoples in some 90 countriesworldwide. They are among the world’s most vulnerable,marginalized, and disadvantaged groups.According to theWorld Bank, while Indigenous Peoples own, occupy, or use aquarter of the world’s surface area, they safeguard 80percent of its remaining biodiversity, and some of the mostbiologically important lands and waters are intact as aresult of Indigenous Peoples’ stewardship. Their knowledgeand expertise on how to adapt, mitigate, and reduce risksfrom climate change and natural disasters are consideredvital. Adequately responding to these challenges requiresconsidering Indigenous Peoples as fundamental stakeholdersand important partners in the development process.The Bankhas undertaken several reviews and evaluations of itsIndigenous Peoples Policy since 1982.The Inspection Panel’smandate covers projects financed by the International Bankfor Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and theInternational Development Association (IDA). The ComplianceAdvisor Ombudsman handles complaints related to projectsfinanced by the International Finance Corporation and theMultilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. In this report,the World Bank (or Bank) refers to IBRD and IDA only.