The purpose of this study was to providea better understanding for policy makers and serviceproviders of mobility and migration among ex-combatants andthe effectiveness of Disarmament, Demobilization andReintegration (DDR) programming in Uganda. The studyfollowed a scoping study on migration in Uganda conducted inMarch 2011 by the Transitional Demobilization andReintegration Program (TDRP) of the World Bank. This studyhad the following specific objectives: 1) to analyzepush/pull migration factors of ex-combatants in Uganda, witha specific focus on social as well as economic factors bothwithin communities of origin and at new communities ofre-settlement; 2) to explore any impact of DDR programmingon migration of ex-combatants in Uganda; 3) to increase theunderstanding of the impact of migration by ex-combatants onthe effectiveness of past and current DDR programming,specifically on reintegration efforts; and 4) to generaterecommendations on how to improve DDR programming, takinginto account findings from other related studies.