In 2010, Cambodia exported 40,000 metrictons of rice. In 2013, Cambodia exported nearly 400,000metric tons ofrice to 66 countries. A ten-fold increase injust three years. Moreover, in only five years, Cambodiamoved from apaddy to a milled rice exporter, and is now wellon the way to evolving from a commodity trader to a demanddriven export marketer. The evolution is evident in both theproduct and the process, with the sector now equipped withmodern milling capacities, both in terms of volumeandquality management. This includes the introduction of FoodSafety certification programs vital for penetratinginternational markets. Such progress will contributesubstantially to the government’s rice sector policy ofexporting one million tons of rice in 2015. This publicationwill present strategies and opportunities for Cambodian riceas an export product. It will illustrate how the Cambodiarice sector can improve its product image and how and whereit can better place its rice in international markets givena more detailed analysis of its current and potential customers.