The World Bank has produced this policyToolkit in response to a growing demand from our governmentclients and partners for advice on how to create andimplement effective policies for at-risk youth. The authorhas highlighted 22 policies (six core policies, ninepromising policies, and seven general policies) that havebeen effective in addressing the following five key riskareas for young people around the world: (i) youthunemployment, underemployment, and lack of formal sectoremployment; (ii) early school leaving; (iii) risky sexualbehavior leading to early childbearing and HIV/AIDS; (iv)crime and violence; and (v) substance abuse. The objectiveof this Toolkit is to serve as a practical guide for policymakers in middle-income countries as well as professionalsworking within the area of youth development on how todevelop and implement an effective policy portfolio tofoster healthy and positive youth development.