The objective of this report is toidentify and evaluate best practices in smallholder privateirrigation in West Africa. The report is based on acomparative assessment of the smallholder private irrigationsubsector in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria, whichincluded a literature review, field visits, and workshops atboth national and regional levels. The task lists for theassessment is provided in annex one. This report firstpresents the main features of smallholder irrigation and thedevelopment projects that have promoted its use in WestAfrica in chapter two. The authors then describe thelow-cost technologies available for this type of irrigation,including drilling, pumping, and water distribution inchapter three. Chapter four reviews the successes andremaining challenges of the development projects involvingsmallholder private irrigation in West Africa. Chapter fivedraws the lessons learned from these experiences andproposes recommendations for future investments, includingmore support to the development of a supply-chain forlow-cost irrigation technologies, the adoption of aprogrammatic approach, and the necessity for a comprehensiveinvestment package including environmental impact mitigationto sustainably support smallholder irrigators.