The group of 20 (G-20) recognizes dataand measurement as an essential foundation for advancingfinancial inclusion at a global level. The data andmeasurement sub-group, in its first year, was tasked toidentify the existing financial inclusion data landscape, toassess the data gaps, to develop key performance indicators,and to lay out the foundations for the framing of financialinclusion target setting approaches. The purpose of thisreport, prepared for the global partnership for financialinclusion (GPFI), is to highlight the key findings andrecommendations of the data and measurement sub-group duringits first year, provide input for a roadmap for theGPFI's work plan for the coming year, and to presentkey policy recommendations for consideration by the G-20policy makers for the Cannes summit in November 2011. Thepolicy recommendations presented are relevant at the globallevel, including both G-20 and non-G-20 countries. The GPFIholds the potential for impact on two levels: (i)incorporating guidance on measurement frameworks andprioritizations of targets through GPFI country-levelpilots; and (ii) aligning on the roadmap and determining atoolkit for formulating country level targets or goals tohelp - operationalize GPFI's universal access vision.