Partnership for growth: linking largefirms and agro-processing small and medium enterprises(SMEs) presents lessons learned from various models utilizedby public and private sector programs to stimulate thegrowth of agro-processing SMEs through linkages to largerfirms in developing countries. The study serves as areference for policymakers, development practitioners, andprivate sector actors. It used a three-pronged approach todata collection, analysis, and synthesis. First, aliterature review was conducted to identify results andoutcomes of recently implemented lead firm - SME linkageprograms. Second, the literature review helped identifyexamples of initiatives focused on linking lead firms andagro-processing SMEs in 56 countries in Africa, Asia,Eastern Europe, and Latin America. Data from 66 projectswere examined in a meta-analysis to refine the findings fromthe literature review. Third, six linkage initiatives with abroad range of projects in numerous locations were selectedfor in-depth analysis and inclusion in the report as casestudies. The guidance note for policy makers aims to provideguidance to policymakers hoping to promote the growth ofagro-processing SMEs by positioning them as suppliers tolarger firms. The six case studies are intended to providedevelopment practitioners with further details andcontextual insights, which they can consider when designinglead firm - SME linkage programs.