This chapter describes and seeks to takestock of a cluster of supply-side reforms that aimed torevitalize what was described by the Croatian Public HealthInstitute as a passive and low-impact primary care system.The cluster of reforms, which include a mix oforganizational, primary care provider payment andpharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement reforms, andenabling information technology investments, wereimplemented starting in 2008. The chapter is organized asfollows. Section two provides an overview of Croatia’shealth system; section three provides an overview ofCroatia’s Social Health Insurance System; section fourdiscusses the financial sustainability challenges facing theSocial Health Insurance System; section five presents theevolution and challenges of primary care in Croatia before2008; section six discusses the primary care reformsimplemented from 2008 onward and reviews the availableevidence on its impact, including on how poorer regions andindividuals may have benefited; and section seven concludesand outlines the way forward.