Public sector management (PSM) reform is concerned with improving public sector results by changingthe way governments work. It is a challenging reform area in which to offer assistance. Sustainable institutionalchange often requires that thousands of public agents alter their behavior, and political incentives may be at oddswith improving public sector performance. “What works” in PSM reform is highly context-dependent andexplicit evidence remains limited.The Bank’s Approach to PSM for 2011-2020 emphasizes that public sector reform is a pragmaticproblem-solving activity, which seeks to improve results by identifying sustainable improvements to the publicsector results chain. The Approach reflects continuing evolution in the Bank's PSM work. It responds tochanging demands from client countries, as well as changes in the Bank's own operating environment, includingopportunities presented by results-based lending and risk management strategies. It puts into practice the lessonslearned from significant progress research has made in recent years in unpacking the nature of institutionalreform. Overall, it seeks to achieve better results by better adapting the way in which the Bank supports clientcountries to the distinctive nature of PSM reform.