This paper provides a synthetic overviewof the link between food insecurity and conflict, addressingboth traditional (civil and interstate war) and emerging(regime stability, violent rioting and communal conflict)threats to security and political stability. In addition, itaddresses the various attempts by national governments,intergovernmental organizations, and civil society toaddress food insecurity and, in particular, the link withconflict. It begins with a discussion of the various effectsof food insecurity for several types of conflict, anddiscusses the interactions among political, social, anddemographic factors that may exacerbate these effects. Itthen discusses the capabilities of states, internationalmarkets, intergovernmental organizations, andnongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to break the linkbetween food security and conflict by focusing on mechanismsthat can shield both food consumers and producers fromshort-term price instability. Finally, it discussesprojected trends in both food insecurity and conflict andconcludes with some brief comments on policies that canbuild resilience in light of projections of higher andvolatile food prices and a changing climate.