The year 2015 is pivotal ininternational development. In the lead-up to 2000, theglobal community came together at various conferences toagree on, for the first time in known history, shareddevelopment goals. The eight Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) set 18 targets that were aimed at significantlyreducing disease, illiteracy, gender inequality, hunger, andpoverty, and improving access to water and sanitation by2015. Leading up to this point where the era of the MDGsconcludes, progress has been monitored and discussionsstarted well ahead of this momentous year to define and meetthe more ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),building on and bringing to fruition what has been startedunder the MDG agenda. Much progress has been made towardachieving the MDGs. The world reached the poverty reductiontarget five years ahead of schedule, and progress has beenreported in a number of other areas. However, considerablechallenges remain: even while declaring success on MDG1,roughly a billion people remained in poverty. A large numberof MDG targets will not be met by the end of 2015, andprogress remains uneven among the different countries.Moreover, new challenges to progress are emerging derivingfrom natural and manmade calamities. To deliver on the twingoals and the post-2015 agenda, the Bank Group would benefitfrom a clearly articulated role, approach, and expectedcontribution to the SDGs, both externally for enhancingpartnerships and internally to facilitate prioritization andsynergies. As this paper has shown, the World Bank Groupworks actively in many areas relevant to the SDGs, actuallymany more than covered here, but various evaluations havepointed to the importance of multi-sector integratedapproaches that challenge countries and their partners tofind new ways of working. The challenges that the SDGs aimto address, and the SDGs themselves, are complex, andsolutions will have to be tailored to context, bringtogether multiple actors, and benefit from dynamic,constantly adjusted planning and execution that is informedby ongoing monitoring and evaluation.