This paper covers selective aspects ofSpain's experience in evaluating government performanceand public policies. Rather than a cohesive evaluationsystem, there is instead a constellation of organizations,with evaluation mandates and/or practices, which are notinterrelated. These organizations and their respectivepractices have been evolving without coordination over thepast three decades. An evaluation culture is slowlyemerging, amid different conceptual approaches used bydifferent organizations that are managing and/or conductingevaluations. Evaluation activity has been taking place inSpain for years, with a marked acceleration and qualitativeshift since 2005. Despite Spain's standing as anOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) country as well as a European Union (EU) country, itstill has not developed a consolidated evaluation system.This fact points out how long-term and complex is the taskof institutionalizing an evaluation system. Finally, thispaper contains several website addresses where readers canobtain additional information on aspects of the paper thatmost interest them and to follow the Spanish experience asit unfolds.