The objective of this study was toinform Solomon Water of potential service delivery modelsfor the expansion of water and sanitation services ininformal settlements in Honiara. Currently, a range of waterservice delivery models are in use by residents ofsettlements. As described below, many of do not result insafe and affordable drinking and domestic water. Similarly,a range of sanitation practices are in use, most are notlikely to result in safe containment of human waste. SolomonWater is currently expanding and improving its water andsanitation services in Honiara, and other regional townsurban center's. As a part of this improvement andexpansion agenda, there is the opportunity to improve thewater and sanitation services used by residents of informalsettlements. In recognition of the diversity ofenvironmental, social and economic diversity amongst urbanresidents in Honiara’s informal settlements, a range ofwater and sanitation service delivery models may need to beoffered. This assessment identifies the range of possiblewater and sanitation service models, and, with input fromSolomon Water, informal settlement residents and otherstakeholders, together with analytical information andlessons about service delivery models used elsewhere, makesrecommendations about the water and sanitation serviceoptions best suited to informal Honiara’s settlements.