The World Bank is making strides inmainstreaming gender-sensitive approaches to climate actionon the ground. Ensuring that men and women have equal accessto education, economic opportunities, productive inputs andequal chances to become socially and politically active cangenerate broad productivity gains, and lead to moreinclusive and greener development path for all. For theWorld Bank, gender analysis is an integral aspect of theupstream social analysis that is required to inform bothdevelopment policy lending (DPL) and investment lending(IL). It helps identify and suggest ways to mitigatepossible risks in terms of exacerbating gender inequality,and highlight opportunities to enhance positive outcomes forgender equality. The entry points for such upstream genderanalysis include Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA)in the case of DPL, climate financing mechanisms arebeginning to adopt gender-sensitive approaches in programdesign and results frameworks, but more needs to be done.Much can be done to improve the effectiveness of climatefinance and actions on the ground by ensuring that genderrelations are taken into account in design, implementation,and measurement of results. But this can only be achievedthrough a concerted effort to apply a gender lens in climatefinance mechanisms. It matters for development, and itmatters for effective action on climate change.