Sovereign credit guarantees andgovernment on-lending can catalyze private sector investmentand fulfill specific policy objectives. However, contingentliabilities stemming from guarantees and contingent assetsstemming from on-lending expose governments to risk. Prudentrisk management, including risk analysis and measurement,can help identify and mitigate these risks. This paperproposes a four-step structure for analyzing and measuringcredit risk: (i) defining key characteristics to determinethe choice of a risk analysis approach; (ii) analyzing riskdrivers; (iii) quantifying risks; and (iv) applying riskanalyses and quantification to the design of risk managementtools. This structure is based on an assessment ofapproaches discussed in academia and applied in practice.The paper demonstrates how the four steps of credit riskmanagement are applied in Colombia, Sweden, and Turkey. Italso discusses how the proposed framework is applied inIndonesia as it develops a credit risk management frameworkfor sovereign guarantees.