The main focus of the social protectionand labor portfolio is on strengthening client'sinstitutional capacity in the design and implementation ofprograms, but projects are not well equipped to trackprogress in this area. Correspondingly, there is a need tostrengthen approaches to measuring and monitoring a'missing middle' of service delivery, preciselythose areas for which counterpart institutions areresponsible during the course of a project. In particular,better measures of the primary functions of socialprotection and labor agencies are needed, such asidentifying and enrolling beneficiaries, targeting, paymentsystems, fraud and error control, performance monitoring ofservice delivery providers, responsiveness to citizens,transparency, efficiency, management information systems andmonitoring and evaluation systems. New World Bankinitiatives particularly standard core indicators by sectorand the introduction of results based investment lendingcall for substantial improvements in the use of monitoringand evaluation (M&E). Impact evaluations are included inabout half of projects and should continue to be usedselectively and strategically, particularly when the programis innovative, replicable and/ or scalable to reach abroader set of beneficiaries, addresses a knowledge gap andis likely to have a substantial policy impact. Structuringevaluations around core themes with common outcome measuresis fundamental to building a global knowledge base ondevelopment effectiveness.