Gender Analysis of Armenian School Curriculum and Textbooks : Policy Brief
Silova, Iveta
World Bank, Washington, DC
关键词: gender equality;    education reform;    school curricula;    secondary education;    gender policy;   
RP-ID  :  107207
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

The Armenian government has articulatedthe commitment to integrating the principles of genderequality in its education system. This commitment has beenreflected in the adoption of the gender policy concept paperin 2010 and the law on securing equal rights and equalopportunities for women and men in 2013, which identifygender equality as a priority area and call for integratingthe gender dimension into the school curriculum at alllevels. This policy report examines whether and to whatextent the principles of gender equality are reflected inArmenian school curriculum and textbooks, identifies keyissues related to the achievement of gender equality goalsin education, and provides policy level recommendations toimprove gender-sensitivity in school curriculum andtextbooks. Data was drawn from an overview of existingstudies on gender representation in Armenian schoolcurricula and textbooks conducted by local experts,primarily relying on the study commissioned by the WorldBank (Osipov & Sargizova, 2015). The study was based ona comprehensive analysis of 9 high school textbooks inSocial Science (grades 10 and 11), Armenian History (grades10, 11 and 12), and Armenian Literature (grades 10, 11 and12), as well as an analysis of academic standards, syllabi,and teacher’s guides for the same subjects. Data for thepolicy report was also supplemented by interviews with keyeducation stakeholders.

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