The exit of the United Kingdom from theEuropean Union (Brexit) may have a negative impact on tradeand investment flows not just for the UK, but also for thecountries with the largest exposure to the UK. The indirectimpact of a Brexit-induced recession in the UK –may also befelt in the EU because of the two countries’ strong trade,investment, and financial linkages. The magnitude of theseimpacts will depend on the type of trade relationship thatthe UK negotiates with the EU, the duration of thenegotiations, and the market confidence in the leadership ofthe UK, EU and other mayor players during the transitionperiod. The major effect of the Brexit vote is thewithdrawal of the UK from the EU project of deep economicintegration, raising the possibility that the same doubtsthat gave rise to Brexit lead to an interruption of tradeopenness and integration in other parts of the world.International development institutions like the World BankGroup can play an important role in informing debates inthis area.