Solving the liquidity managementchallenge is one of the next big issues facing mobile moneyproviders around the world. In Kenya, 20 percent of m-pesacustomers report that they cannot withdraw money from anm-pesa agent. In 70 percent of those cases, the retail agentdid not have sufficient funds. Nonetheless, more than 98percent of m-pesa customers are happy with the solution.This suggests that even though there are liquidity problems,the customers are willing to look past that - at least forthe time being - because of the overall value they perceivefrom the mobile money solution. Liquidity management takestwo forms: management of electronic value in the mobilewallet and cash management. It is becoming more common forelectronic liquidity to be handled not only by the retailagents, but also by the master agents. Technology is alsobeing developed to help the master agents and the mobilefinancial services provider (MFSP) manage liquidity.