Malaysia, like many countries in theregion, has invested heavily in the use of ICT in schoolssince 1999. Unlike many other countries, Malaysia does notrely on a single specialized agency or a particular divisionof the Ministry of Education to implement its ICT ineducation programmes. Instead, the Malaysian governmentrolled out a nation-wide initiative known as the 'SmartSchool Initiative', which is based on strategicpublic-private partnerships involving various stakeholdersincluding ministry, industry, and community. This case studyexamines how the Malaysian Smart School Initiative (MSSI)was developed and implemented in its initial years. Thestudy demonstrates that the MSSI was the result of adeliberate, holistic approach to incorporate the use of ICTin Malaysian schools. The MSSI involved not only the use ofICT in the teaching and learning process, but also in themanagement and administrators and technicians in using ICTeffectively in their daily practices.