This is the transcript of the remarksdelivered by Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group at a press conference in Accra, Ghana. Hediscusses on the two goals, to end extreme poverty by 2030and to boost shared prosperity to the bottom 40 percent indeveloping countries. He talks about improving theproductivity of agriculture and making sure that everyindustry, every person in Africa has access to energy to endextreme poverty. He talks about the importance of investingin the health and education of people for future economicgrowth in developing countries. He commended Ghana on itsstructural transformation, shift out of a solelyagricultural-focused economy and in one in whichnon-agricultural self-employment and, to a lesser degree,wage jobs have also become part of the economy.Heconcludes by talking about taking action on improved andfair, more just, more efficient tax systems and stoppingillicit financial flows, in order to benefit the development of the country.